The Megan Kelley Foundation provides education to help curb the national opioid and heroin epidemic.
The Wisconsin Memorial Quilts are living quilts that travel throughout the State of Wisconsin. The quilts visually show the impact addiction has made on Wisconsin communities and families.
Learn more about the quilts and find out how you can submit a square.
Your tax-deductible donation will help stop the dreadful heroin epidemic. Click the button below to donate now.
Pathways to Recovery is a lecture series spanning a range of topics including prevention, treatment, recovery and loss. Those who have experienced addiction are featured as speakers.
Learn more about this lecture series and attend an upcoming event.
Hidden in Plain Sight is a bedroom tour that provides clues indicating possible drug or alcohol use.
Learn more about this initiative and find out what might be lurking in your teenager's bedroom.
The Megan Kelley Foundation advocates for treatment for those facing drug charges and long sentences.
Learn more about our work in the justice system and how we can support you.
The Fox Cities Recovery Celebration and Memorial Walk is an annual walk dedicated to raising awareness about addiction. The walk takes place at a public park and provides an opportunity to celebrate those in recovery and support those impacted by addiction and loss.
Register for LIGHTS OF HOPE, A Wisconsin Recovery Celebration and Memorial Walk